GivenGain is an online fundraising platform with a difference. As a Foundation and non-profit, our only motivation is to help fundraisers and charities raise as much as possible, in the right way.
We offer unique features such as split-donate, and longer-lasting 'Champion pages' that showcase a fundraiser's impact over time. Our team of fundraising, corporate and event specialists provide close 1-1 support for charities of all sizes. No bots or robots here!
The cherry on the top is that we're subscription-free and collect only one small fee to cover our costs. We don't charge charities more for raising more. It's the opposite! We donate back to the charities on our platform and also fund prize incentives for your supporters.
Popular globally with leading organisations like the Boston Marathon and UNICEF, we support over 400 UK charities including Alzheimer's Research UK, Muscular Dystrophy UK and the British Heart Foundation.