Agenda 2024


Event Platform Opens

Attendees can log in, test their connections, and familiarise themselves with the different features of the virtual platform.


Opening Remarks from the Editor


Tech-Forward Charities: taking the digital leap without losing heart

This opening discussion will set the scene of the day by discussing the evolving relationship between technology and charity. 

  • As the boundaries of the digital world continue to stretch, how can charities ensure they're not left behind? 
  • How can they harness the power of technology to further their missions, engage with their communities, and drive meaningful change? 
  • And, crucially, how can charities ensure they're not only harnessing its power but also using it responsibly?


Getting AI-ready: Mastering Change as Technology Surges Forward

Practical use cases from a fast-growing nonprofit

Embark on a journey into the heart of tech transformation, where everybody is a stakeholder in new technology. Alzheimer’s Research UK will delve into:

  • Practical examples and frameworks from Alzheimer’s Research UK to get employee buy-in
  • Bring your team on the journey with you while navigating change management effectively to save time and resources
  • Your employees are your best customers. Inclusive approaches that involve the whole organisation, will ensure collective ownership, input, and purpose

Step into 2024 with the tools to drive successful tech adoption of new technologies. Let's empower your team and organisation to embrace the future seamlessly!


Streamlining your non-profit's finance process: a step-by-step guide

Is your non-profit grappling with outdated finance processes or struggling to integrate with donor platforms effectively?

If the financial processes of your non-profit organisation are in need of an overhaul, join our free webinar. We'll provide you with valuable insights on how you can transform complex, manual accounting processes into automated, streamlined workflows with detailed, transparent reporting. We've helped hundreds of charity customers in migrating from outdated technology and legacy systems.


Morning break


Digital Transformation on a Shoestring

No Team, No Money, No Problem.

Russell Findlay will share the story of how Speakers Trust used tech to help boost their impact. Giving you insights into what worked, what didn’t and what they learned along the way to help you do the same.


AI – A New Ally for Charities and Nonprofits

In this session, we’ll delve into how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is helping charities and non-profits do more good. Microsoft, a pioneer in AI technology, will share their insights and the latest advancements in this rapidly evolving field.

Join Chris Zimney, Chief Architect, Tech for Social Impact at Microsoft and Emily Burt, Editor of Third Sector as they set out to explore the evolution of AI; AI accessibility; the ethics of AI; AI for fundraising; and future AI trends.


Tech Talent in Non-Profits: Navigating Recruitment and Retention on a Budget

An insightful presentation on the unique challenges faced by non-profits in recruiting and retaining digital and data specialists, especially when operating with limited financial resources. 

  • Discover the innovative strategies and solutions that have been employed to attract tech talent passionate about contributing to a meaningful cause. 
  • Learn about the journey of adapting recruitment processes, managing expectations, and the creative approaches to building a competent tech team in a non-profit environment.


Lunch break


Leading with Digital Literacy: bridging the digital skills gap

This panel discussion features charity leaders who want to step up, skill up, and get their teams excited about what's next.

We’ll cover:

  • The skills needed for leaders who want to keep their teams ahead of the curve and make the most of new tools and technologies.
  • Tips on how to make tech work for your team, encourage everyone to get on board with new ways of working, and create a can-do atmosphere around tech changes. 
  • Some friendly advice on how to ease the worries and win over the doubters when it's time to switch things up with new projects. 


Fast Close. Faster Insights. How Automation is Helping Non-Profit Finance Teams Make a Bigger Impact

Drawing from Sage's report 'Fast Close. Faster Insights.', we delve into how cloud-based automation is reshaping financial operations. Beyond just efficiency, we examine automation as a strategic tool for enhancing decision-making and mission effectiveness. 

Insights from over 150 nonprofit professionals will highlight real-world applications, challenges, and the evolving role of finance teams in a digitally accelerated landscape. 


Creating Meaningful Digital Spaces to Build Community and Drive Engagement

Learn how to transform your digital presence into a vibrant community that champions change and drives your mission forward with every click, like, and share.


Don’t Drown in Digital Debt

In today's data-driven nonprofit landscape, organizations recognize data's transformative potential. However, many struggle with siloed systems, poor connectivity, and digital debt, risking obsolescence in the fast-paced innovation era. Unit4 research reveals that 64% of nonprofit professionals are prioritizing digital transformation. ​

Back-office transformation also poses challenges due to technical skills gaps, conflicting priorities, and complex delivery projects, leading to the risk of failure or rendering programs time-consuming and costly.  This session addresses these hurdles, shares customer use cases, advocates purpose-built nonprofit solutions and industry specific transformation models that expedite value delivery, enhance reporting accuracy, and provide decision-making precision.


Afternoon break


Harnessing big data for big impact: Data analytics in non-profit decision making


The future intersection of technology & the third sector

In a world rapidly transitioning from physical spaces to digital places, charities find themselves at a crossroads. This panel tells the story of the charities making the leap from traditional operations to a digital-first approach.

  • Is remote work a temporary fix or a permanent fixture for future-focused charities?
  • How can tech glue together charity teams when offices are optional?
  • How will emerging tech trends shape the future of the third sector?


Closing Remarks from the Editor